Who we are

About Us

​About Us...

​The Great Falls – Sun River LB levee system is located within the City of Great Falls, Montana, west of the Missouri River in Cascade County.  The system consists of a single levee segment along the left bank of the Sun River and 2250 feet of improved channel on the Sun River, near its confluence with the Missouri River.  The levee embankment is 6.7 miles long, with an average height of 15.5 feet, a crest width of 10 feet, and 1 Vertical: 3 Horizontal sideslopes.  The project also includes the pressurized Watson Coulee Drain which redirects water from the Watson Coulee Drainage Basin into the Sun River.  The Watson Coulee Drain consists of two 4,680-foot-long, 84-inch-diameter conduits, a 3,150-foot-long interceptor drainage ditch, and a 2,540-foot-long embankment along the south side of the ditch that extends from Watson Coulee Road to high ground.  Interior drainage along the conduits is collected by five side inlets.  Other interior drainage in the leveed area is conveyed through the levee embankment by gravity drainage structures.  There is one sandbag closure structure at 10th Ave SW.  Construction of the federal project was completed in 1987 and turned over to the non-federal sponsor, the West Great Falls Flood Control and Drainage District, for operations and maintenance.

​The West Great Falls Flood Control & Drainage District (WGFFCDD) was created by the Montana Eighth Judicial District Court to cooperate with the Federal government for construction, preservation, protection, and keeping in repair the (west) Great Falls, Montana Flood Protection Project.


​By Agreement with the Federal government, the WGFFCDD serves as the non-Federal Local Sponsor for the Project designed, engineered, constructed, and annually inspected by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Our Mission

The mission of the West Great Falls Flood Control & Drainage District is to operate and maintain the Project in accordance with Corps rules, regulations, guidelines, annual inspections, etc. and to operate the District “… at all times under the control or direction of the court or presiding judge…”